Stories Tagged: government funding

Senator Murray Details Harmful Effects of Speaker Johnson's Full-Year CR Threat

Conservative U.S. Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana has been elected as the 56th House... (2 revisions)

Small New York City Museums Face Economic Challenges and Closures Amidst Difficult Economic Climate

The museum industry in the U.S. faced difficulties due to the pandemic, but many museums were... (4 revisions)

Ukraine's Vulnerable Power Substations and Government's Lack of Protection

Persistent railway sabotage in Russia poses a challenge for authorities and impacts military... (4 revisions)

China's Tech Development Ambitions and the Need for Market-Based Venture Capital Funding

Chinese authorities are recognizing the importance of market-based venture capital funding in... (11 revisions)

Concerns Over Censorship of New Curriculum Evaluation by Ministry of Education in Turkey

India's Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has proposed a new draft broadcast bill that... (16 revisions)